Monday, June 2, 2014

How to protect your " Sensitive Account " Info of getting HACKED- Phishing Method ( Part 1 )

        Online banking, Online Money Processor like Paypal etc., are widely used  now because, you can access it anytime, anywhere and with just a click you'll be able see the status of your valuable account, and even withdraw your money or transfer it to any account, with just simple click. What about if that's easy, simple click also can harm your sensitive account and with a blink of an eye, your hard earned money will be gone. Many are not still aware, Internet is just like our surroundings, there's a good guy and also a bad guy. In our home it's common to secure our house and even install security gadgets in order to protect it from the bad guys. Just like our home we must also educate ourselves and install security measures in order for us to protect our " sensitive account information " when browsing the Internet and dealing with transaction online.   
Image Source : 

       In this post, I'll try to explain one of the oldest trick in Hacking World, and still this trick is widely used because of its effectiveness when it comes in stealing " sensitive account information ", like online bank account, credit card, online money processor (e.g Paypal, Payoneer etc..), even Log-in ID's and password to any financial institution, Social Site like Facebook, emails, gaming online account and others when you try to log-in in any site that requires authentication.

  This trick  or technique is called Phishing in Computer / Internet Security, pronounced as "Fishing", like if you are fishing, you put a bait and the fish got caught, the better the bait then more fish get caught. That's the simple idea behind this method. But how does Phishing really works ?  I'll show two videos, try to analyze for yourself, see and tell which among the two video is legitimate and which one is fraudulent, a hoax or a bait. Just watch the video first, don't scroll  because you will have a better understanding of how Phishing is nicely done by " black hat hackers ". Pls. click the resize screen for better viewing. Best viewed in HD.

Video 1

Video 2

Any difference ? Have you found any unlikeness ? 

If you found nothing difference then you have the chance of getting hack by Phishing..

It's time to educate and don't be the next victim !

          But if you found something dissimilarity, then you are less chance of getting hack, but try to improve your knowledge about this.

            So It's time now to explain what's the video is trying to tell and warn us and fight against fraudulent Phishing.

           If you watched the videos, you will find nothing unlikeness, they are similar, the content is the same, and you can't say or decide who is the legitimate one.

I will show you again captured images regarding the two videos.

Sensitive Account, Phishing, Hackers, Protect, prevent
Captured Image from Video 1

Sensitive Account, Phishing, Hackers, Protect, prevent
Captured Image form Video 2

Try to click the image to see the enlarge version.

Notice the URL Box, it is where you type the address of the site.

Sensitive Account, Phishing, Hackers, Protect, prevent
 Image from Video 1

Sensitive Account, Phishing, Hackers, Protect, prevent
Image from Video 2

Now it's time to reveal which among the two videos is legitimate and official site, I hope you are right, just look again at the URL box image, you will see now the dissimilarity.

  •           Video 1 is 100 % Phishing site, a fraudulent site, you will surely fall to the bait and get hacked if you engage your transaction.

  •           Video 2 is the legitimate and official site, where you can transact your business without worrying of getting hack.

That's How Phishing works, you are brought to the same official- looking site, just to trick you that this is the legit one, and when you type your log-in information like username and password you will be surely hacked and your account will be hijacked by the so called Black Hat Hacker.

In URL Box, have you notice HTTPS ?
     HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure or widely known in Information Technology (IT) HTTP/SSL, HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer - a type of communications security wherever the data is encrypted and provides additional specialized security when dealing with Internet Authentication like logging-in to your account.

    So one way of dealing and take necessary precautions when transacting online is always see the URL box, that it hasHTTPS together with the address of the site ". Internet giant companies and banking institutions, Social sites ( e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc. ), emails ( e.g Gmail etc..), money processor ( e.g Paypal ) and other secure site Institution always employ this security in their site to prevent such fraudulent actions of Black Hat hackers.

    For this date, you will have now the basic idea of how to prevent or protect yourself from Phishing Hacking Method, and stay away from troubles.   

Pls. open the link below for more information regarding this topic

Hope you learn something useful and if you like this, Please share! 



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